About The Cluster
Cluster Lead Dr Nicola Jones
The Bay Health Local Cluster Collaborative is one of eight Local Cluster Collaboratives in the Swansea Bay University Health Board Area.
There are eight practices which operate within Bay Health Local Cluster Collaborative covering Uplands, Sketty, West Cross, Mumbles, Killay and Gower, also serving students residents at Swansea University
- Gower Medical Practice
- King's Road Surgery, Mumbles
- Sketty and Killay Medical Centre
- St Thomas and West Cross Surgeries
- The Grove Medical Centre
- University Health Centre
- Uplands and Mumbles Surgery
- The Mumbles Medical Practice
Bay Health Local Cluster Collaborative brings together partners across primary care including GP practices, community nursing, optometry, dentistry, community pharmacy, allied health professionals and Voluntary Sector services. Bay Health Local Cluster Collaborative is the largest Cluster Collaborative in the Health Board and cares for around 75,000 people. Within this there is a diverse range of people, including a thriving student population as well as a large proportion of older people.
Bay Health Local Cluster Collaborative aims to:
Prevent ill health, enabling people to keep themselves well and independent for as long as possible. The cluster commissions wellbeing services which can be accessed through our social prescribers. It also employs a range of multidisciplinary professionals including two chronic condition nurses who care for people in their own homes, two cluster pharmacists who can perform thorough medication reviews and assist our patient with complex medication concerns and a cluster business manager to keep thing running smoothly.
The cluster continuously works to develop the range and quality of services that are provided in the community and ensure services provided by a wide range of health and social care professionals which are better coordinated to local needs.
This way of working improves communication and information sharing between different health, social care, and voluntary sector professionals, facilitating closer working between community based and hospital services by facilitating services such as the Swansea Bay Virtual Ward.
Cluster Plans and Reports
- Bay Health Cluster IMTP 2020-2023
- Bay Health Cluster Action Plan 2018 - 2021
- Bay Health Cluster Action Plan 2017-2020
- Bay Health Cluster IMTP 2020-2023
- Bay Health Cluster Action Plan 2017-2020
- Bay Health Cluster IMTP 2020-2023