Patient Forum
Sketty and Killay Patient Forum
Notes of Meeting held at 2.00p.m. on Tuesday, 09 April 2024 in Killay Surgery
Present: Tyrone Lewis (Chairman), Rob Byrne, Ray Dancer, Michael Locke, Peter Thomas. Ann Spinks Dr. Richard Gibby and Mags Gilroy (Practice Manager)
Apologies for absence: Dana Evans - AS took notes as replacement
Notes of meeting of 13 February 2024 were accepted subject to the correction of a typing error – “travail” to “trivial”; it was agreed that in the future minor typos should not be subject to correction as these are only meeting notes not official minutes
Matters arising:
- target for completion of patient questionnaires had not been met
- a site survey is needed for work on moving notice boards
Practice Services:
- Covid vaccinations – The Practice Manager expressed her frustration at the way the HB had dealt with the session scheduled for 06/04/2024 when appointments had not been sent out; this was only discovered by chance by a member of staff on 05/04. The practice contacted the HB immediately – HB contacted patients by phone or text telling them to contact the surgery! In the event, 331 jabs were done instead of 800. Letters for 13/04 & 20/04 have been sent out first class post by HB. Initially the practice had requested that it should organise and take control of everything to do with the sessions, but this had been refused
- NHS AP is now launched & can be accessed via Practice website which is being updated
Patient feedback
- report of a patient's family being unhappy about the lack of care and support for “end of life” care; Dr Gibby explained that because the patient had been seen in an ambulance at the hospital then sent straight home, the system whereby if a patient is actually admitted to hospital then sent home the practice is automatically notified may not have been put in place; Mags will follow this up
- another family with a relative discharged from hospital with end of life care had been given maximum support by the practice and were more than satisfied
- issue raised re name badges for staff - Mags said that these were not liked because of personal abusive behaviour
- repeat prescriptions – Mags clarified the situation where a receptionist can authorise a repeat if the request is within the timescale since the last script review
- phone calls – why is it so difficult to get through at 8.15am? This is because of the sheer number of calls at this time! 8.15 calls should really be related to matters of urgency so if the situation is not vital, patient could call later; can also use pre-bookable appointments
Treasurer's report
- No change. Because of the lack of activity, the bank has reverted to issuing paper statements
Terms of Reference
- The Chair and two members (AS and DE) had worked on this, which had been circulated. It was felt that this was a much simpler reflection of the Forum and after changing “triennial” to “every three years”, it was accepted unanimously
Date of next meeting:
Tuesday. 18 June 2024 at 2.00 p.m. in Killay surgery, for which Peter apologised.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2.45p.m.